Keep cool, the Mesopotamians did it
James Mayor talks to forward-thinking innovators in the environment, wine, humanitarian action, culture, research, and other areas.

Is the Douro unsustainable?
With climate change decreeing that grape-picking begin ever earlier it’s once again urgent to consider the sustainability of Portugal’s most internationally renowned wine region.

James Mayor spoke with Charles Symington about Adega do Ataíde, a pioneering low environmental footprint winery
Essential Algarve spoke with Charles Symington about Adega do Ataíde, a pioneering winery in Portugal and the World

What we can do about ‘global boiling’
Climate change, Guterres said, had moved from an era of global warming into a “terrifying” new phase of “global boiling,” a “disaster” for the entire planet.

No need to reach for the sky
On February 6 this year, a massive earthquake struck southern Turkey, causing the loss of tens of thousands of lives and creating a colossal humanitarian crisis in Turkey and neighbouring Syria.

All aboard for COP27
Look no further afield than Portugal to find a compelling case study of the devastating effects of climate change on population, agriculture and the wider economy.
The fate of the Douro sealed
James Mayor reports from northern Portugal on a brave attempt to solve the problems of the Douro, against which too many odds are stacked.

Wine people against climate blah
James Mayor meets two women in wine who are doing rather than talking about saving the planet.

Rob Symington: shaping a different paradigm
The Symington family have been producers of Port since 1882, when the young Andrew James Symington, ‘AJ’ as he’s known in the family, arrived in Portugal from Scotland.

Tradition and Innovation: Sustainability at Symington Family Estates
Rob Symington shapes sustainability at Symington Family Estates

Change Ahead: The wine industry prepares to combat climate change
We are now all aware of climate change but what can we actually do? What if climate change is in fact an opportunity to review our conservative thinking and to adapt?